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DJ Run 2021

Here you will find all the information about DJ Run 2021. Thank you for helping us spread awareness of the importance of mental health and suicide prevention.

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Detail statistics

Detailed statistics, DJRun 2021. From highlighted stats like Total KMs to individual activity and country contribution.

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DJ Run 2021

Event Information

Last year we had 57 participants from 6 countries: South Africa, Nigeria, Germany, America, Netherlands and Australia. With 1072.68 KM covered and 145.5 hours of dedication. This is an amazing turnout despite the pandemic and we would like to thank everyone that joined us.


This year’s theme is: Around the World. A big cause needs a big goal. So this year our goal is to reach 40 075 total kilometers, 40 075 total minutes, and R40 075 in raised funds for SADAG (the South African Depression and Anxiety Group). The symbolism behind the number 40 075 is the distance around the world.

Then following the previous years, we will also have a personal goal of 32km for each participant. This is in commemoration of Derrick Kropman (DJ), as 32 is the age he would have been, had he not passed.

We wanted to set a big goal like this to motivate ourselves and others to get more people involved around the world. And in so doing spread the awareness of the importance of mental health and suicide prevention as far as we can.


Starts 19th November 2021 00:00 – Ends 21st November 2021 23:59

Virtual event:

You can participate from anywhere in the world. There will not be any one location that the event will take place in.

We will be integrating with Strava to track everyone’s exercise submissions. We have a section below on how this will work and how you can submit your exercise information to us.


  • All forms of exercise are allowed.
  • Activities will be pulled from Strava. Activities can be tracked in the Strava mobile App, synced to Strava via a supported connected device or manually entered on the Strava App or website.
  • Only exercises within the above-mentioned dates and times will count.


This year we are also accepting donations for “The South African Depression and Anxiety Group”. If you would like to find out more click here.